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A $100 million purchase of Bitcoin and Ethereum is planned by a Chinese board game company

In a move illustrating the increasing fusion of technology, gaming, and finance, Boyaa Interactive International Limited, a major player in the online board and card game sector, has announced its plans to venture into the crypto market. The company is setting aside $100 million to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as Tether and USDC stablecoins.

This decision aligns with the company’s strategic pivot towards integrating web3 technology into its gaming business.

This initiative, subject to shareholder approval, will authorize the Board to allocate these funds within a 12-month period.

Boyaa Interactive’s approach reflects a well-considered strategy aimed at bolstering its presence in the web3 space. This sector aims to revolutionize and decentralize digital interaction and asset management.

The company deliberately selected the cryptocurrencies earmarked for purchase. Bitcoin and Ethereum, being the titans of the crypto space, offer high degrees of recognition and liquidity. They also present a strong case for long-term investment.

On the other hand, stablecoins like Tether and USD Coin can offer some stability in a notoriously volatile market. The press release noted an approximate division of $45 million each for Bitcoin and Ethereum. The remaining $10 million is earmarked for stablecoin purchases.

The entry prices for these assets will be spread out over time. However, if we consider all $45 million used at current price levels of $36,700, Boyaa could afford approximately 1,226 BTC. This would rank Boyaa as the most BTC-wealthy Chinese company, ahead of current top-dog Meitu. However, MicroStrategy is still the frontrunner with a mammoth holding of over 158,000 BTC.

Bitcoin Holding by Public Company Ranking. Source: CoinGecko
Bitcoin Holding by Public Company Ranking. Source: CoinGecko

Web3 Sector Booming in the East


This strategic move is timely, considering Hong Kong’s progressive stance on cryptocurrency trading and regulation. The region is actively fostering a conducive environment for the sustainable development of the web3 industry. This also bolsters Boyaa Interactive’s confidence in this venture.

Recently, at Hong Kong’s web3-focused Edge Summit, Animoca Brands’ co-founder Yat Siu made comparisons to web3 and the early-internet days:

“[Web3 is] like the internet 25 years ago. You had all these people building websites and didn’t really know what the website was supposed to do.”

The company believes that integrating crypto into its asset allocation strategy will offer a diversified means of managing funds. It also hopes to balance investment risks with potential returns.

Read more: Top 5 Big Tech Companies Adopting Web3 Technology

The purchase of cryptocurrencies, funded by the idle cash reserves generated from the Group’s business operations, is a testament to Boyaa Interactive’s financial prudence and commitment to sustainable growth. By leveraging its expertise in network security and internet gaming, the company aims to pioneer innovations in the web3 gaming sphere. Overall, it aims to redefine online gaming and digital asset interaction.

Boyaa Interactive’s foray into the cryptocurrency market is more than an investment decision; it’s a strategic alignment with future financial trends. With a firm grasp on the pulse of technological advancement and a keen eye on market dynamics, the company is poised to make a significant impact in both the gaming and cryptocurrency domains.



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Name: Brenda Ball

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Introduction: My name is Brenda Ball, I am a irreplaceable, resolved, welcoming, steadfast, apt, dear, Adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.