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The returns on investments made in WCE Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WCEHB) three years ago have increased by 221%

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It might seem bad, but the worst that can happen when you buy a stock (without leverage) is that its share price goes to zero. But in contrast you can make much more than 100% if the company does well. To wit, the WCE Holdings Berhad (KLSE:WCEHB) share price has flown 221% in the last three years. That sort of return is as solid as granite. It's also good to see the share price up 12% over the last quarter.

So let's investigate and see if the longer term performance of the company has been in line with the underlying business' progress.

View our latest analysis for WCE Holdings Berhad

To quote Buffett, 'Ships will sail around the world but the Flat Earth Society will flourish. There will continue to be wide discrepancies between price and value in the marketplace...' One flawed but reasonable way to assess how sentiment around a company has changed is to compare the earnings per share (EPS) with the share price.

During three years of share price growth, WCE Holdings Berhad moved from a loss to profitability. That kind of transition can be an inflection point that justifies a strong share price gain, just as we have seen here.

The graphic below depicts how EPS has changed over time (unveil the exact values by clicking on the image).


It might be well worthwhile taking a look at our free report on WCE Holdings Berhad's earnings, revenue and cash flow.

A Different Perspective

VIDEO: WCE Holdings Berhad (3565) & NationGate Holdings Berhad (0270)
My Share

We're pleased to report that WCE Holdings Berhad shareholders have received a total shareholder return of 221% over one year. That's better than the annualised return of 3% over half a decade, implying that the company is doing better recently. In the best case scenario, this may hint at some real business momentum, implying that now could be a great time to delve deeper. It's always interesting to track share price performance over the longer term. But to understand WCE Holdings Berhad better, we need to consider many other factors. Even so, be aware that WCE Holdings Berhad is showing 2 warning signs in our investment analysis , and 1 of those makes us a bit uncomfortable...

Of course WCE Holdings Berhad may not be the best stock to buy. So you may wish to see this free collection of growth stocks.

Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on Malaysian exchanges.

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This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.


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Author: Danielle Jennings

Last Updated: 1700056082

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Name: Danielle Jennings

Birthday: 1972-10-16

Address: 28717 Johnson Summit Apt. 267, Martinstad, MI 61363

Phone: +4884161983233428

Job: Astronaut

Hobby: Running, Drone Flying, Wildlife Photography, Golf, Running, Role-Playing Games, Mountain Climbing

Introduction: My name is Danielle Jennings, I am a fearless, honest, important, valuable, venturesome, skilled, Determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.